Purposeful Presence in Classrooms
Being purposeful and useful in teachers’ classrooms to improve teacher practice and achieve established learning guide goals.
- Admin establishes a safe culture of risk taking where teachers regularly seek (open door) admin observation and reflection on practice. (examples – admin observation, peer observation, team teaching, use of video, reflective tools)
- Admin is highly aware of the established goals of teachers and uses classroom observations for the growth and reflection of teacher practice while linking teachers to any supports needed to achieve individual and school goals
- Admin use daily/weekly short classroom visits to be visible and present – especially used at start-up and other key times of the school year
- Admin use longer scheduled observations in teachers’ classrooms (differentiated based on need of the teacher with an average of 3-4 per year for each teacher) to be purposeful to individual/team/school goals and linked to key documents such as QLE and School Education Plan.
– During observations, Admin use guiding questions for all staff (similar to IL visit questions from COLT)
– During observations, Admin touch base with students in a classroom using set guiding questions