Sustaining Highly Effective Teams
Administrators develop and engage with highly effective teams who function with collective responsibility and center the work on student learning and responding to identified student learning needs.
- Admin guides and supports a safe process of creating and maintaining highly effective teams through the development of norms, commitments and collective responsibility using sound research to guide the work
- Admin engages beside teams in the work and learning they do
– Guiding and supporting the work using agendas, guiding questions, minutes
– Use of co-hort days, collaborative days, before/during/after school - Admin develops a reflective process for teams to assess their effectiveness as a team and the impact of their work
- Admin will address dysfunctional teams with honesty, compassion and support
- Admin will work very closely with team leaders and LST to set expectations, grow skills and develop leadership capacity/distribute leadership/develop leadership succession, as well work with team leaders on next steps (agenda) to achieve school goals
- Admin models an effective administration team to set the example for other school teams
Note – use of the Yellow Team Planning Tool to reflect on these bullets to be sure everything is captured in the statements. Also, imbed the Yellow Team Planning Tool as an attachment in the model.